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reference library (不外借圖書的)參考書閱覽室。

reference mark

The reference library is situated at the g f of the hong kong heritage discovery centre . it provides reference materials on hong kong history , archaeology , heritage conservation , museology , architecture and other heritage - related subjects for public local and overseas students , scholars and researchers for academic research purposes 參考圖書館位于香港文物探知館地下,收藏有關香港歷史、考古、文物保護、博物館學、建筑學,以及其他與古跡文化有關的參考書刊,供公眾人士(本地和海外學生、學者及研究人員)作學術研究用途。

Prof . ng thanked the bank of china ( hong kong ) limited for its generous support . he said the establishment of the centre sets a new page in the history for scm enabling it to contribute to the regulation of counterfeit chinese herbs . he added that the centre will not only be a resource centre for teaching and research purposes , but a reference library for the general public as well 吳清輝校長在典禮上銘謝中國銀行(香港)有限公司的鼎力支持,他說:有了這中藥標本中心以后,很多中藥的真品和偽品的比較資料都會陳列出來,供中藥界的專業人士和市民參考,這將有助清除中藥品種良莠不齊的混淆的情況,令中藥的規管更上軌道。

As a depository library for nine international organisations , the city hall reference library receives full sets of publications from the asian development bank , the united nations , the world bank , the united nations educational , scientific and cultural organisation , the world trade organisation , the world food programme , the international labour organisation , the international maritime organisation and the european union 大會堂參考圖書館是亞洲開發銀行、聯合國、世界銀行、聯合國教育、科學及文化組織、世界貿易組織、世界糧食組織署、國際勞工組織、國際海事組織及歐洲聯盟等9個國際組織的刊物藏書處,存放了這些組織的全套刊物。

The development division mainly oversees matters relating to the application of international labour conventions , participation in international labour organization activities , and liaison with labour administration counterparts of the mainland or other countries . besides , the division manages the departmental reference library , compiles labour statistics , collects information pertaining to labour administration and co - ordinates training activities for staff of the labour administration branch 發展科的工作主要包括監察與香港特區實施國際勞工公約有關的事務,協調參與國際勞工組織舉辦的活動,及與內地和海外的勞工事務行政機關聯系。同時,該科亦負責管理部門參考圖書館,編纂勞工統計數字,搜集有關勞工事務行政的資料及統籌勞工事務行政部人員的培訓活動。

Please send us a letter stating the purpose of getting the publications , together with your personal or organizational contact information . please send via email amo @ lcsd . gov . hk , by fax 2377 9792 or by mail 136 nathan road , tsim sha tsui , kowloon . the books are for sale at the reference library of the hong kong heritage 請以書面形式,說明索取刊物用途及附上個人或機構聯絡資料,并以電郵( amo @ lcsd . gov . hk ) 、傳真( 2377 9792 )或郵寄(九尖沙咀彌敦道一三六號)方式交至古物古跡辦事處教育及宣傳組。

Each centre has a reference library with publications and audio - visual resources on employment and training opportunities . careers videos and vcds are available for free loan to secondary schools and youth organisations . careers counselling and guidance service are also available to visitors of the centre 中心均設有參考圖書館,提供有關就業及培訓機會的刊物和視聽資料,更備有關于擇業資料的錄影帶及視像光碟,供各中學和青年機構免費借用。

The reference library of the council has rich collections of social welfare related literatures . library collections include books , periodicals , policy documents , research reports , non - governmental organizations yearbooks , etc . members of the council are welcomed to make use of our library services and facilities 香港社會服務聯會參考圖書館主要藏有與社會福利及社會工作相關的書籍、期刊、政策文件、研究報告及非政府機構年報等資料。

You can learn more on global and local environmental issues , environmental situation , environmental protection principles and method from its reference library , display panels & environmental garden . the centre was originally the old wan chai post office which opened in 1915 該中心內設有參考圖書館、展覽角和環保花園,介紹現時本港和世界各地的環境狀況與環保問題,以及各項環保原則和改善環境的方法。

A reference library archiving monuments records as well as research files and reports of the office will also be set up in the centre to facilitate studies on monuments and heritage - related subjects by local and overseas students , scholars and researchers 而館內的參考圖書館將會收藏有關文物及古跡的各類資料,包括研究檔案及報告,以方便及協助本地和海外學生、學者及研究人員對有關古物的研究。

Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols - graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - part 2 : specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form , including graphical symbols for a reference library , and require 圖形符號表示規則技術文件用圖形符號第2部分:圖形符號包括基準符號庫中的圖形符號計算機電子文件格式規范及其交換要求

Based on introducing the real - time reference , this paper points out that the real - time reference library should possess the knowledge quality , ability quality , psychology quality and emotion quality , and expounds them in detail 在簡單介紹了實時咨詢的基礎上,提出實時咨詢館員需具備知識素質、能力素質、心理素質和情感素質4個方面的素質,并對此進行了詳細的闡述。

The centre includes an exhibition hall , computer room , av room , reference library and replica hakka - style kitchen . only a short walk from the tsuen wan mtr station , it will show you how culture and the environment are always linked 中心內設有展覽廳、電腦室、視聽室、參考圖書館及一個仿建的客家廚房,讓市民體會文化與環境之間是互相牽連和息息相關的。

Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - part 2 : specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form , including graphical symbols for a reference library , and requirements for their interchange 產品技術文件用圖形符號的設計.第2部分:計算機適用的圖形符號,包括相關目錄圖形符號和內部交換要求的規范

Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products . part 2 : specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form , including graphical symbols for a reference library , and requirements for their interchange 產品技術文件用圖形符號的設計.第2部分:計算機敏感方式的圖形符號,包括參考庫的圖形符號規范及其交換要求

In this article eugene logvinov shows how cgi modules taken from cpan can not only help you to work effectively and conveniently , but can also provide you with an excellent code and reference library 在這篇文章里eugene logvinov展示了cpan里的cgi模塊如何幫助您高效和便利地工作,而且為您提供高質量的代碼和參考庫。

Distribution to different organizations including professional institutions , registration boards , universities , reference libraries and various development - related associations and corporations 向不同機構,包括專業機構、注冊局、大學、參考圖書館及各個與發展有關的協會和機構派發

The books are for sale at the reference library of the hong kong heritage discovery centre tel : 2208 4428 and at selected branches of the commercial press h . k +上述書籍于香港文物探知館參考圖書館(電話: 2208 4428 )有售。另外,亦于商務印書館、三聯書店以及中華書局的部分分店有售。

Its facilities include a reference library , computer workstations , electronic databases , audio - visual references , and areas for hosting mini - seminars and workshops 設施方面,中心設有參考圖書室、電腦工作站、電子資料庫、視聽資料以及可舉辦研討會及工作坊的場地。

The centre has opened its door to visitors since october 2005 with its thematic exhibition gallery , lecture hall , educational activity room and reference library 文物探知館自二零零五年十月起已對外開放,主要設施包括專題展覽廳、演講廳、教育活動室及參考圖書館等。